迎新春 Greeting New Year2023-01-30   作者:樊雪峰 Fan Xuefeng

  • 浏览:133
  • 描述:这张照片拍摄于2023年1月25日、河南省开封市(北宋时期都城汴梁)清明上河园内游人欢度春节的情景。 照片仿佛回到了千年前北宋词人柳永在《迎新春》中描写都城汴梁欢度新春佳节的情景“遍九陌罗绮,香风微度”,汴梁城内熙熙攘攘的人群与鳞次栉比的花灯交织在一起,绮罗丛中散发出阵阵香风,车水马龙,游人如织。 This photo was taken on January 25, 2023, in Kaifeng City, Henan Province (the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bianliang), during Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival City Park, tourists were celebrating the Spring Festival. This picture seems to go back to the scene that Liu Yong, a poet of the  Northern Song Dynasty, described in  Greeting New Year, the capital city of  Bianliang,celebrating the Spring Festival, "All streets are full of people and the fragrant breeze is slight", The bustling crowds in Bianliang are intertwined with the rows of red lanterns, and the fragrant breeze emanates from the tourists.